
Patriarchy & Presentation of Women

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Patriarchal Values - Tom Buchanan

Tom Buchanan epitomises patriarchal values.

Illustrative background for Treatment of womenIllustrative background for Treatment of women ?? "content

Treatment of women

  • Tom Buchanan is a physically powerful man who expects women to be subservient to him: he even goes as far as to break Myrtle’s nose when she challenges his authority.
  • Similarly, Daisy seems to have no power in her marriage to Tom and is instead simply required to follow his wishes.
Illustrative background for Patriarchal values and societyIllustrative background for Patriarchal values and society ?? "content

Patriarchal values and society

  • Tom expresses concern that traditional patriarchal values are breaking down in the 1920s, and he sees this as the beginning of the end for traditional American society: 'Nowadays people begin by sneering at family life and family institutions, and next they’ll throw everything overboard and have intermarriage between black and white.' (Chapter Seven).

Presentation of Women

Overwhelmingly, the women presented in The Great Gatsby are limited in ambition and intelligence and tend to be shallow in their desires.

Illustrative background for Daisy Illustrative background for Daisy  ?? "content


  • Daisy can be seen as a subservient character. She is easily charmed by Gatsby, lured by the excitement and glamour of his lifestyle, and equally easily drawn to the comfortable and stable life provided by her husband, Tom.
Illustrative background for Jordan BakerIllustrative background for Jordan Baker ?? "content

Jordan Baker

  • Jordan Baker might be considered to be a slightly more liberated character.
  • She is successful in her own right as a sportswoman, and she is, at times, assertive. For example, she stands up to Nick in the final chapter: 'I thought you were rather an honest, straightforward person. I thought it was your secret pride' (Chapter Nine).
Illustrative background for Jordan Baker (cont.)Illustrative background for Jordan Baker (cont.) ?? "content

Jordan Baker (cont.)

  • But Jordan is also presented as a 'clean, hard, limited person who dealt in universal scepticism' (Chapter Four) with a 'scornful mouth' (Chapter Four).
    • These comments lead the reader to hold a negative perception of Jordan, adding to the overall negative view of women which seems to be presented throughout the story.

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1Specification Overview

1.1Specification Overview


3Plot Summary

4Character Profiles

5Key Ideas

6Writing Techniques

7Love Through the Ages - Thematic Analysis

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