
Psychoanalytic Approach

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Psychoanalytic Approach to The Great Gatsby

Psychoanalysis is a discipline developed by the famous neurologist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).

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  • In summary, it is the idea that the way we behave as humans is largely driven by unconscious desires. So a psychoanalytic approach to The Great Gatsby would focus on the unconscious desires of the characters.
Illustrative background for GatsbyIllustrative background for Gatsby ?? "content


  • Gatsby's unconscious desire is to be with Daisy but he knows that in reality, this may not work out for the good.
Illustrative background for Tom BuchananIllustrative background for Tom Buchanan ?? "content

Tom Buchanan

  • Tom's unconscious desire is perhaps to be with Myrtle. But eventually, he is forced to accept reality (for the sake of Pammy) and so stays with Daisy.
Illustrative background for George WilsonIllustrative background for George Wilson ?? "content

George Wilson

  • George Wilson is aware of the effect Tom has on him but seems unable to do anything about him.
  • He appears to have lost sense of what is important.
Illustrative background for Daisy BuchananIllustrative background for Daisy Buchanan ?? "content

Daisy Buchanan

  • Unconsciously, Daisy appears to want to be with Gatsby, but she feels he is too criminalised to be a true partner. For this reason, she sticks with Tom.
Illustrative background for Myrtle WilsonIllustrative background for Myrtle Wilson ?? "content

Myrtle Wilson

  • Myrtle Wilson's marriage to George has broken down so she thinks she wishes to be with Tom.

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1Specification Overview

1.1Specification Overview


3Plot Summary

4Character Profiles

5Key Ideas

6Writing Techniques

7Love Through the Ages - Thematic Analysis

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