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A session on Seneca Learning
Daud Year 11
“Best website I’ve ever used with simplified notes that are easy to understand.”

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Overview of a course on Seneca Learning
Manaswini Nagella Year 12
“Seneca has provided me tremendous help in my GCSEs and now A-Levels. It has amazing interactive courses, exam questions, particular specifications (AQA, etc.), videos, etc.”
Questions answered on Seneca

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Student completing an exam question on Seneca Learning
Ali Keyani Year 11
“Seneca really helped me to boost my grades and make learning fun. If I didn’t have Seneca I probably would have failed all my GCSEs.”

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A conversation with Amelia, the AI tutor
Seneca Student Year 10
“She can easily answer my questions specifically, it’s like talking to an actual person!”
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FAQs 🛟

How does Seneca work?

Seneca is proven to make you learn 2x faster.

Our algorithms use insights from neuroscience to make you remember topics better. We’ve hand-picked the best GIFs and memes so revision makes you laugh instead of stressed.

What subjects & courses are covered on Seneca?

Seneca has courses covering 95% of the exams taken in the UK, from Primary up to A Level.

We’ve condensed the content to what you actually need to know for your exams.

How do I get started on Seneca?

Sign up here, and add the courses you study in school.

Also, if your teachers use Seneca they can set you homework & revision on any topic on the platform.

How much does Seneca cost?

Seneca can be used for free an unlimited amount. Free Seneca will always be better than any other learning system in the world.

There are some Premium packages you can upgrade to for extra features & exam support.