
The 1905 Revolution & the October Manifesto

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The 1905 Revolution

Tensions in Russia reached a particularly tricky point in 1905. An uprising against the Tsar in 1905 very nearly turned into a revolution.

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Russo-Japanese War

  • Nicholas II lost the Russo-Japanese War in 1904. The battles mainly took place in the province of Manchuria and in Korea.
  • This fuelled people's view that he was a weak leader.
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Peaceful demonstrators

  • At a demonstration led by a priest, Father Gapon, Tsar Nicholas II ordered his Cossack forces to fire on the peaceful workers' protest, killing many of them.
  • This caused widespread rioting and striking.
  • Every electricity worker in Moscow and St Petersberg went on strike in response to the killings.
  • On the battleship, 'Potemkin' sailors rebelled.
  • Workers and sailors organised themselves into 'Soviets' to represent their interests.
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  • Nicholas was almost overthrown, but managed to hold on to power.
  • He created the Shidlovsky Commission to pacify workers and also published the October Manifesto.

The October Manifesto

The tsar was forced to compromise after the uprisings of 1905. He laid out his reforms in the October Manifesto.

Illustrative background for The DumaIllustrative background for The Duma ?? "content

The Duma

  • To please the liberals, the tsar allowed the formation of a parliament, called the Duma.
  • This was the tsar's main attempt to restore order.
    • But on the 8th of July 1906, after the Duma had been running 2 months, the tsar quickly dissolved the Duma because it was too radical.
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Additional reforms

  • The Shidlovsky Commission was created to try to improve the lives of workers. The tsar cut taxes for the poorest people in Russia.
  • He also had the Okhrana (secret police) find and arrest revolutionaries.

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