Key Quotes
Key Quotes - Friar Laurence (Act 2)
Key Quotes - Friar Laurence (Act 2)
Here are key quotes from Friar Laurence in Act 2:

Act 2, Scene 3
Act 2, Scene 3
- 'young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes'.
- At first, Friar Laurence does not believe that Romeo’s love for Juliet is genuine (real).
- He is confused about Romeo’s quick change of heart – up until the night before, he had been pining over his unrequited (not returned) love for Rosaline.
- In fact, he suggests that men love with 'their eyes'. This implies that Romeo’s love is shallow (not deep) and only concerned with Juliet’s beauty.

Act 2, Scene 3
Act 2, Scene 3
- 'this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households’ rancour to pure love'.
- This quote shows Friar Laurence’s reason for agreeing to marry Romeo and Juliet – he wants to join them together to link their families and turn their anger and aggression towards one another into love for each other.
Key Quotes - Friar Laurence (Acts 4-5)
Key Quotes - Friar Laurence (Acts 4-5)
Here are key quotes from Friar Laurence in Acts 4-5:

Act 4, Scene 1
Act 4, Scene 1
- 'Take thou this vial, being then in bed, and this distilled liquor drink thou of'.
- Friar Laurence’s use of the imperative (ordering) verb 'take' shows that he and Juliet have started to form a trusting relationship. He can advise her to take a mysterious potion and she will do it.
- Friar Laurence is Juliet’s only confidant at this point. He tries to help her – perhaps naïvely (showing not much judgement or experience), without really thinking his plan through.

Act 5, Scene 3
Act 5, Scene 3
- 'Romeo, there dead, was husband to that Juliet'.
- It is Friar Laurence who tells the Prince, the Montagues and the Capulets the whole story after Romeo and Juliet have died.
- He reveals the secret marriage and the events leading to the deaths. This makes the families realise the parts they played in the deaths of their own children.
2Plot Summary
2.2Act 1
2.5Act 4
3Key Characters
3.4The Nurse, Benvolio & Tybalt
3.5Friar Laurence
3.6Grade 9 - Key Characters
4Key Themes & Concepts
4.1Power & Danger of Love
5Writing Techniques
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2Plot Summary
2.2Act 1
2.5Act 4
3Key Characters
3.4The Nurse, Benvolio & Tybalt
3.5Friar Laurence
3.6Grade 9 - Key Characters
4Key Themes & Concepts
4.1Power & Danger of Love
5Writing Techniques

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