
Scenes 3-5

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Summary of Act 3, Scenes 3-4

Here's a summary of what happens in Act 3, Scenes 3 and 4:

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Scene 3

  • In Scene 3, Romeo is hiding with Friar Laurence.
  • He is sad because he has lost his future with Juliet. He feels that being banished (sent away) is worse than death because now he still has to live, but without Juliet.
  • The Nurse arrives and gives Romeo a ring from Juliet. She tells him that Juliet still loves him.
  • Romeo prepares to visit Juliet to celebrate their wedding night before he leaves for Mantua.
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Scene 4

  • In Scene 4, Lord Capulet thinks that Juliet is staying in her room because she is mourning Tybalt. Because of this, Lord and Lady Capulet do not disturb her.
  • Lord Capulet decides that Juliet will marry Paris this coming Thursday. He does not speak to Juliet but tells Paris that the marriage will definitely take place.

Summary of Act 3, Scene 5

Here's a summary of what happens in Act 3, Scene 5:

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Should Romeo stay or go?

  • Scene 5 starts with Romeo and Juliet waking up after their wedding night. Romeo gets ready to leave the Capulet house and begin his life in exile.
  • Juliet tries to convince Romeo to stay longer, but Romeo knows he must leave or risk being put to death.
  • They talk more and Romeo says that he will stay and risk death. Juliet decides it is too dangerous and tells him to go.
  • The Nurse enters and warns Juliet that Lady Capulet is coming to talk to her.
  • Romeo climbs out of the window.
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Arranged marriage to Paris

  • Lady Capulet enters Juliet’s chambers to talk to her daughter. She talks about Tybalt’s death and tells Juliet that she wishes Romeo was dead.
  • Juliet pretends that she agrees with her mother.
  • Lady Capulet tells Juliet that Lord Capulet has arranged for her to marry Paris on Thursday. Juliet is very upset and says she will not marry Paris. She says that she would rather marry Romeo 'whom you know I hate' – rather than Paris.
  • Lord Capulet enters the bedroom and is furious at Juliet. He threatens to disown (end his family connection with) Juliet. Juliet asks Lady Capulet to help her, but her mother refuses.
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Nurse's betrayal

  • Juliet begs the Nurse to help her avoid this marriage. The Nurse tells her to just go through with the marriage to Paris.
  • Juliet feels like the Nurse has betrayed her. She pretends that she will agree to marry Paris. She tells the Nurse that she wants to go to confession with Friar Laurence.
  • Juliet rushes to Friar Laurence. She prays that he can help her.

Key Quote - Act 3, Scene 5

In Act 3, Scene 5, Lord Capulet says: 'Hang thee, young baggage! disobedient wretch.' Here's an analysis of this key quote:

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Changing attitude

  • This shows Lord Capulet’s change in attitude.
  • In Act 1, he wanted Juliet to pick a husband that she could love.
  • He also wanted her to be happy.
  • In Act 3, when she refuses to marry Paris, he calls her 'baggage'.
    • This suggests she is in his way and is a burden (something he has to deal with). He also calls her a 'wretch'.

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2Plot Summary

3Key Characters

4Key Themes & Concepts

5Writing Techniques

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