Where, When and How to use Seneca in the ClassroomWhere, When and How to use Seneca in the Classroom
Flavia Belham
Chief Scientist @ Seneca Learning
28 November 2018

Where, When and How to use Seneca in the Classroom

Seneca is best used as an addition to any classroom activities - both as a revision and homework platform. However, we see increasingly more teachers using Seneca in the classroom as students generally engage very well with the content. In this article I wanted to outline a few ways in how you could apply Seneca in the classroom:

- Interactive Q&A

- Competitions

- Revision

Interactive Q&A

If you have access to a digital board or projector, then you could hold an interactive session in the class. Start any study session on Seneca’s student platform and ask the students in the class for answers to each section. This will not only make the students more familiar with the study platform, but will also create a lot of discussion and engagement in the classroom. Every time the students get it wrong, it offers the opportunity for you to explain the topic.


Several teachers have shown us leaderboards of their own class. These teachers would host regular class sessions during which the students revise on Seneca. At the end of the session, the teacher would then copy the class progress into a Google or Excel sheet. This is currently a manual task as we don’t yet have an export feature. But it might be a fun way to get your students even more engaged.


Especially when approaching the exam week I used to give students more time to study on their own. One of the ways to do this is by reserving the computer room and letting students freely make progress on their Seneca courses. You could also set a homework assignment that the students should complete during that session or even individual assignments based on the progress of the student.

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