Guaranteed 7-9s & A/A* or Your Money BackGuaranteed 7-9s & A/A* or Your Money Back
Flavia Belham
Chief Scientist @ Seneca Learning
17 April 2019

Guaranteed 7-9s & A/A* or Your Money Back

How can you help your child get through their GCSEs / A Levels and give them a head-start? 1.5 million students are using Seneca at the moment. Let our online premium revision courses help your child out.

A Money-Back Guarantee for 7-9s

We've created revision courses that are so good that we guarantee your money back if your child does not get 7-9s at GCSE or A-A*s at A Level. To be eligible, all your child has to do is complete every course on Seneca for the subjects and topics that they're taking exams in. That seems fair, doesn't it?

Not Sure When And What To Revise?

Our Smart Learning Mode is the best way of scheduling revision. Our algorithm calculates the optimal learning path for your child based on their past performance, knowledge and the insights from cognitive neuroscience. This way, they can follow a uniquely tailored revision timetable and give themselves the very best chance in their exams.

Reduce Stress With 25+ Predicted Papers

We created a variety of courses based on past papers, the exact exam syllabus and historical patterns/regulation to simulate what may come up in the exam. This is the ultimate test of your child's knowledge and the ultimate preparation for their exams.

Keep An Eye On Your Child's Weekly Progress

So close to the exams it is key to consistently revise. And it can be quite frustrating not knowing how well your child is preparing for this important moment. Each week we send you an activity summary to help you support your child with their study. This way you can keep up-to-date with all your child’s progress.

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