5 Top Tips for Google Classroom5 Top Tips for Google Classroom
Richard Broad
Head of UK Education @ Seneca Learning
03 September 2020

5 Top Tips for Google Classroom

Here are my top 5 tips to help you get the most out of Google Classroom:

  1. Use ready-made content from education sites which are integrated with Google Classroom. Seneca Learning has, for instance, a great range of content ready-made for Google Classroom assignments. 🧠

  2. Change your settings so that your stream just shows the information more relevant to you! A useful example is de-selecting assignments from showing on the stream. 📝
  3. Watch out for students handing in blank assignments! They will still show as complete even if they are empty, so keep an eye on this. 👀
  4. Use the scheduling feature! Save time & load up all your assignments in one afternoon! ⏰
  5. When assigning documents, ALWAYS choose the tab “make a copy for each student.” If this is not selected, all students will edit the same document. ✏️

I hope you've found these tips helpful. If you're interested in ready-made content for Google Classroom then please complete the below form and I'll email you links and examples right away.

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