Using Seneca at Post-16 Using Seneca at Post-16
Flavia Belham
Chief Scientist @ Seneca Learning
27 September 2022

Using Seneca at Post-16

Set automatically marked assignments, monitor students' progress & increase your classes' grades on their A Level exams!

How does Seneca work?

Set homework in under 30 seconds and use automated marking to track individual student progress. By identifying gaps in learning, Seneca aims to assist you in creating the perfect teaching plan and let you set homework for individual students as well as the entire class.

Our award-winning methodology is based on Cognitive Science and includes an algorithm that personalises and optimises learning sessions for each pupil.

What content does it cover?

Seneca covers OCR, AQA, WJEC, Edexcel, and Eduqas. All the courses are exam board specific and written by senior examiners & industry experts.

We have thousands of AI-marked exam questions for students to directly prepare for their A Levels.

What reports are available?

Seneca reports assignment completion rates, performance, progress & learning time for each student and class in a visual and insightful way.

Special opportunities for PIXL members!

SLT Analytics: We're giving exclusive and free access to our new and improved whole-school SLT analytics for the whole year to all PIXL schools!

SLT Analytics gives senior leadership teams access to tools and data on how their school is using Seneca and how to make the most out of it. Including a completely free MIS integration!

MIS sync: The MIS integration means that every student and teacher in the school will be automatically added to the correct class on Seneca, reducing admin time to nearly zero. You can actually request your MIS-sync right now at the conference!

10% off on Premium: PXIL schools are entitled to a super discount on our Premium packages! Book a call with Amelia to talk about this and find out more!

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