Seneca Virtual TeachMeet with Blake Harvard: Pillars of the Cognition Conscious ClassroomSeneca Virtual TeachMeet with Blake Harvard: Pillars of the Cognition Conscious Classroom
Flávia Belham
Professora Responsável @ Seneca
13 May 2020

Seneca Virtual TeachMeet with Blake Harvard: Pillars of the Cognition Conscious Classroom

Blake Harvard writes one of my favourite Teacher Blogs, so it was an absolute joy to have him on our Seneca Virtual TeachMeet.

In his presentation, Blake described the Main Pillars of an Evidence-Informed Classroom, focusing on: Memory, Learning Environment, Instruction and Retrieval Practice.

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Here are some useful links for you to learn more about Blake's ideas:

  • Seneca's Free CPD courses

Retrieval Practice, written by Kate Jones

Dual Coding, written by Oliver Caviglioli

Cognitive Sciences, written by myself

  • Blake's Retrieval Practice and Spaced Practice strategies for the classroom

The Brain-Book-Buddy Assessment Strategy

Colour Coding Recall Activities

Easy Application of Spaced Practice in the Classroom

The AH-HA Moment with Spaced Practice

Retrieval Practice in the High School Classroom

  • Other interesting blog posts written by Blake

From Unknown to Known in the Classroom

Explicit Conversation with my Students

Five Essential Article Reads for Teachers

To sign up for our upcoming free webinars, click HERE

See you then!

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