Seneca Virtual Conference: Leadership through COVID-19Seneca Virtual Conference: Leadership through COVID-19
Richard Broad
Head of UK Education @ Seneca Learning
10 November 2020

Seneca Virtual Conference: Leadership through COVID-19

Join us for our first Leadership conference on Saturday 28th November from 9.30 - 11.30 am!

This is a free, online CPD event for middle and senior leaders teachers organised by Seneca Learning (@senecalearn) and hosted by Richard Broad (@RichMBroad).

This conference will explore the leadership schools need to support students through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis./\

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We have some three exciting Keynote Speakers lined up for you!

1. Mary Myatt - author on leadership, school improvement and the curriculum

Session title: Three elements to support leadership during Covid-19

2. Sam Strickland - Principal and organiser of ResearchEd Northampton

Session title: Leading in a time of uncertainty

3. Kat Howard - Assistant Principal, Author and Founder of Litdrive

Session title: Keeping the main thing the main thing: workload reduction in a pandemic

Seneca Learning

Seneca's free online learning platform is supporting over 4 million students to learn in a free, fun and effective way.

We have free online learning courses for 25 subjects at primary and secondary level, all made in conjunction with leading teachers and assessors.

Our free teacher platform offers teachers the chance to set assignments for students that are automatically marked and analysed. These assignments can be shared to Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams and other online learning sites.

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