Seneca Online Webinar: Exam preparation strategies (2nd episode)Seneca Online Webinar: Exam preparation strategies (2nd episode)
Flavia Belham
Chief Scientist @ Seneca Learning
27 September 2022

Seneca Online Webinar: Exam preparation strategies (2nd episode)

Join us for our second Exam Preparation Webinar on Tuesday, 4th October, at 5.30pm October

This is a free, online CPD event for teachers organised by Seneca Learning (@senecalearn) and hosted by Dr Flavia Belham (@flaviabelhamphd)

Learn practical, evidence-informed strategies on how to help your students prepare for exams this year.

Receive your certificate and gain FREE access to our Analytics Program and MIS sync!

Get Free Tickets


Selina Chadwick

Selina is the Head of Product Design at St. Philomena's Catholic High School for Girls & is also a Project Officer for STEM Learning UK.

She has been teaching since 2007 and has created a diverse range of resources relating to curriculum, Health and Safety and departmental administration.

She has also mentored PGCEs and NQTs.

In addition to being Head of Department, she is also Key Stage Three Coordinator. She has a passion for sharing ideas regarding STEM, assessment, pedagogy and recruitment.

Follow her on Twitter @STEMselves

Seneca Learning

Seneca's free online learning platform is supporting over 6 million students to learn in a fun and effective way.

We have free online learning courses for subjects at primary, secondary and post-16 levels, all made in conjunction with leading teachers and assessors.

Our free teacher platform offers teachers the chance to set assignments for students that are automatically marked and analysed - including our brand new exam-style questions!

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