Retrieval Practice with the UK's Best Science TeacherRetrieval Practice with the UK's Best Science Teacher
Flavia Belham
Chief Scientist @ Seneca Learning
16 April 2020

Retrieval Practice with the UK's Best Science Teacher

This week's free Virtual TeachMeet was all about actionable retrieval practice that you can easily implement in a classroom setting.

The speaker was Gemma Singleton, who is a specialist leader of education for Science and an Assistant Headteacher in charge of Teaching and Learning. As well as all that, Gemma also happens to be the 2019 recipient of the Royal Society of Biology’s School Biology Teacher of the Year Award!! 🏆

This event set a new attendance record with 570 teachers on the Zoom call!!! 😯

If you like the sound of these TeachMeets, I'm running one of these each week so be sure to grab a (remote!) seat at an upcoming event!

All the talks are being recorded and posted to our CPD YouTube channel as well. To catch all the highlights, make sure you subscribe to our CPD YouTube channel ▶️

And if you want to take it one step further, you can even become certified for completing our free CPD courses!

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