Montgomery High School Finds Positive Correlation Between Seneca Study Time and Grades
Richard Broad
Head of UK Education @ Seneca Learning
January 30, 2019

Montgomery High School Finds Positive Correlation Between Seneca Study Time and Grades

Seneca is an evidence-informed platform. All our methodology is based on findings from scientific studies conducted in laboratories and in schools. In 2017, we conducted a large study to evaluate the impact of Seneca on students’ performance. That study revealed that Seneca can help pupils learn 2x faster when compared to regular revision guides.

"The longer students use Seneca, the better the marks they will get." Schools are finding a positive correlation between Seneca study time and grades.

Today, we learned that schools are doing their own evaluation and finding amazing results. For example, look at what was done by Mr Chandler from Montgomery High School in Blackpool. He correlated the time that his students spent on Seneca with their mock exam results.

Seneca learning study improvement correlation Seneca learning study improvement correlation

As you can see on the graphs provided by Mr Chandler, a positive correlation emerged. In other words, the longer students used Seneca, the better the marks they got.

How To Do This For Your Classes?

You can do the same thing with your students. All you need to do is to plot pupils’ grades against the time each of them studied with Seneca - this information you will find on your Teacher platform, by clicking on the tab “Students”. Here are links showing how to create trend lines in Excel and Google Sheets.

Let us know what you discover!

And if you are interested in collaborating with us to do more research, you may want to join our Pioneer program. Our aim is to identify the most effective way of using Seneca so that its impact on students’ progress is maximised.

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