💰💰 Become Seneca's Chief GIF Officer  💰💰💰💰 Become Seneca's Chief GIF Officer  💰💰
Stephen Wilks
CEO @ Seneca Learning
15 November 2019

💰💰 Become Seneca's Chief GIF Officer 💰💰

We want your help to GIPHify & Memeify Seneca's courses. And it's a competition. What will happen to the best GIF-Memes?

  1. The best GIF-Memes will make it into our courses.
  2. The very best GIF-Memes will win $$ prizes.
  3. The very best GIF-Mememaker will win the title of Seneca's Chief GIF Officer.

How do I Memeify Seneca?

  1. Go here - https://giphy.com/create/gifmaker
  2. Choose your starting GIF
  3. Make into an educational meme by adding text.
  4. Upload it to GIPHY with the hashtags seneca and senecalearning
  5. Fill out this form - https://forms.gle/UzGGBXgzB6xcTCXE9

The best memes will be posted in here, put in our courses & will win prizes. Ready, Steady, Cook. 👨🏻‍🍳

Stuck for ideas? Here's some inspiration. We will add the best ones here:

January 20 Chief GIF Officer = ???

December 19 Chief GIF Officer = @NazerTazer

November 19 GIF-Meme = @JohnSnow

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