Literacy & Language in Science with Amanda FleckLiteracy & Language in Science with Amanda Fleck
Flavia Belham
Chief Scientist @ Seneca Learning
17 April 2020

Literacy & Language in Science with Amanda Fleck

As someone who has taught a lot of science in the past, I absolutely loved hosting Amanda Fleck as she talked about Literacy & Language in Science Education 🧪🧬

500 teachers dialled in from all over the country (and abroad!) to hear Amanda's thoughts and engage in the Q&A!

This talk (along with all the others) was recorded and has been published to YouTube, along with snippets of the best bits! Subscribe to our CPD YouTube channel to catch up on all some great bitesized CPD ▶️

If you are really interested in this topic and want to get a certificate to show for your work, you can even complete Amanda's free course!

These Virtual TeachMeets will be happening weekly so be sure to grab a (remote!) seat at an upcoming event!

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