How to Get More from Seneca: Sharing Classes & Smart AssignmentsHow to Get More from Seneca: Sharing Classes & Smart Assignments
Lucy Porter
Teacher Community @ Seneca Learning
01 September 2020

How to Get More from Seneca: Sharing Classes & Smart Assignments

Sharing Classes

We're very excited to be able to say that multiple teachers can now access classes on Seneca!

Inviting a teacher to your class will give them full access to teacher functions like setting assignments, checking the insights page, inviting students and adding courses.

The class sharing tool unlocks a whole range of new ways of using Seneca in schools. I've made some guides which walk you through these ideas. Click the links below to check them out.

Smart Assignments

We launched Smart Assignments at the end of last year to help tackle learning gaps and reduce assignment setting workload for teachers.

With more and more homework being completed online, this is the perfect way to quickly identify and address the topics your students need to work on.

You can reassign any work that your students have completed based on criteria of your choosing e.g. sections where student scored less than 50%.

Click here to see a step-by-step video tutorial on using smart-reassignment.

If you're not ready to use Smart Assignments right away, I can send you a reminder in three days time to re-assign some tasks!

Remind Me to Use Smart Assignments

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