How can Seneca Premium benefit Schools?How can Seneca Premium benefit Schools?
Flavia Belham
Chief Scientist @ Seneca Learning
06 April 2023

How can Seneca Premium benefit Schools?

Free Seneca is amazing. It will always be free and will always be better than any other learning system in the world.

Seneca Premium helps us keep Free Seneca running by giving students Premium learning features and courses to improve learning.

Let's dive into:

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What's included in Premium?

Let Danielle explain everything you need to know about Premium for schools.

Danielle covers everything you need to know to decide if Premium is right for your school. You can always request more info from the team if you have more questions.

Prefer to read? See below!

Seneca Premium focuses on enhancing students' outcome by supporting students with 800+ additional Premium courses and Seneca's Premium Learning Tools. Senior and Middle Leaders are able to gain a better understanding of Seneca's impact with student-level and school-level data reports.

Benefits for Students

Our Premium Learning Tools help students get the most out of the Seneca courses. The Learning Tools harness the latest cognitive science and AI to focus students on the learning that will make the largest impact on their achievement.

We offer two Premium Learning Tools to students:

  1. Smart Learning Mode uses our smart algorithm, insights from cognitive neuroscience & AI to generate recommendations of which topic students should study at precisely the right time to maximise their learning.
  2. Wrong Answer Mode encourages students to focus on the areas of the curriculum they find most challenging. Students learning in Wrong Answer Mode are given a series of questions they've struggled with in the past. Questions are automatically corrected to help students plug knowledge gaps and boost their grades.

Premium Courses

On top of our Premium learning tools, Premium offers 800+ Premium courses for students. These are exclusive courses with new content, memory techniques, and questions. Some examples of our Premium content are:

More information about the premium courses can be found here.

And you can search for the subjects and exam boards we cover here.

Benefits for Schools

Seneca Premium supports schools with enhanced data integrity, access to whole-school reporting and MIS integrations.

MIS Integrations

Seneca's MIS integrations will make setting up and working with Seneca Premium super easy for your staff and pupils.

Seneca will link directly to your MIS (e.g. SIMS, Arbor, Progresso, etc.) to pull up-to-date class lists through to Seneca. All classes will be set up with the correct students and any changes in class lists will appear when Seneca syncs overnight.

The MIS integration will reduce admin time for all teachers but the MIS integration will be particularly useful in helping staff who find using technology more challenging as everything is set up for them!

Seneca Leadership Data

Our data team will provide you with regular reports on student engagement across the school. The reports will allow you to filter data to understand what's going on across the subjects and year groups in your school.

Half termly whole school reports will give your senior leaders the oversight they need to drive engagement and share best practice across the school.

Usage reports allow schools to see school wide data covering everything from the number of assignments set within the school to which department is setting the most assignments and which courses are used the most as well as number of active students and learning time.

Benchmark your school against national averages

Benchmark your school against national averages

Premium teachers also have access to additional features designed to boost student's learning and identify usage across the school.

Exam Questions Only

Exam Questions only assignments with thousands of free text, AI marked exam questions written by examiners and teachers, the perfect way to get your students exam ready!

These allow you to set up to 10 free-text questions in a row for students to complete. This adds a huge new dimension to work on Seneca, allowing students to deploy elaboration alongside the standard Seneca content built on retrieval practice and interleaving.

Premium teachers can also set unlimited standard Seneca assignments with 3 exam questions attached.

Progress Reports

Whole school reports allow you to view and track data and progress across the school. This breaks whole school usage down by subjects using Seneca, individual students, teachers, and classes, and will show data by target groups such as Pupil Premium, gender, and SEN. This is the most granular level of data accessible with Seneca, covering assignment completion, homework scores, and study time (independent and assignment-led) - a great way to track usage across the school and identify areas for improvement or implementing Seneca further.

What do Premium schools say about Premium?

We provide Seneca Premium to hundred of schools, local authorities and regional and national multi-academy trusts.

Here are some testimonials and reviews from schools using Seneca Premium:

Paul Bhatia, Principal, Ark Burlington Danes Academy:

"Seneca has been amazing for our students. It has supplemented their online lessons and let them accelerate their learning at home throughout lockdown. Students have enjoyed learning on the platform."

Conyers School:

"Ease of use and rapid feedback. Students find it so intuitive and simple to use. The short bites of knowledge recap act as a great recap aid. The teacher view, showing time spent is also effective."

Warminster School:

"The smart learning algorithms are excellent and the extensive resources with Premium are really useful. A fantastic resource!"

Hampstead School:

"It is a good way into revision for students who are struggling to know where to start."

The Barlow RC High School:

"Seneca provides more insightful methods of reporting which allows targeted intervention to aid progress."

Newton Abbot College:

"The wrong answer and smart learning modes are great and tie up really nicely with retrieval practice CPD work that we are doing as a college. "

Midhurst Rother College (via Twitter):

"As part of our commitment to online learning we are now signed up to Seneca premium @SenecaLearn. This outstanding resource is available to all students to aid with knowledge retention. Parents can sign up too and link to their child’s account."

What are the Premium courses?

Premium gives you access to 800+ Premium courses. These exclusive courses give you new content, memory techniques, and questions.

Read more about some of the different courses we offer below:

Predicted Papers

The Predicted Papers are designed to boost your grades. Our experienced team has designed these exam-style papers on based on historic patterns & the exact syllabus for your course to give you the perfect head start on your exam prep. It's the ideal way to prepare for the exam & improve your knowledge of the paper and the syllabus.

The Predicted Papers function as a real exam. There are no content slides to scroll up to and peek at the answers. All the questions come with a maximum number of marks, the same marks that would be available on the real exam, so you can work out what grade you might get.

HyperLearning Courses

HyperLearning is the next generation of Seneca courses - described by some students as "Seneca on Energy Drinks". They are the most entertaining & efficient way to boost your grades. With new and exclusive content it will really be your unfair advantage in preparing for the exams. If you want to take your knowledge to the next level, or quickly revise new content, then this is the way to go.

Premium Knowledge Courses

To really get you to that top grade you want to practice the toughest topics and go into the more detailed questions. The Premium Knowledge courses now got you covered. We created dedicated courses specific for students aiming at 7-9s on GCSE or A-A*s on A Level. The sections cover both new exclusive theory as well as questions that are much tougher than the standard courses. Studying these sections will really test and improve your detailed knowledge of the various subjects.

Premium Knowledge and Hardest Questions Courses

We have used our data to identify the topics that students collectively find the hardest and the questions within them that pose the most problems (eg mole calculations in Chemistry, experiment analysis in Biology etc). Our Premium Knowledge and Hardest Questions courses contain numerous variations of the most challenging questions to make sure that your child is prepared for everything that comes their way in the exam hall!

Night Before Courses

Go over all the essential information in an efficient way with a mixture of premium course types so that you feel super prepared for your exam in the morning. Including 'speed sections' and 'knowledge checklists'.

HyperFlashcards Courses

Achieve mastery of the key definitions and facts needed for your exams with our GIF-filled, fast-paced HyperFlashcards courses.

Mini Mock Exams

Create personalised mini mock exams that can be tailored to include Hardest Questions, Calculations questions, AI marked only and previous Wrong Answers, in a real-life timed exam format to help prepare students for Exam day!

UCAS & university entry

Get hot tips for your UCAS application with 'Applying to Uni' courses which guide you through the process. From choosing your course and university, to writing your personal statement and attending interviews. These courses give you the inside scoop and are written by recent graduates from top UK universities.

We also have a UK Driving Theory course which is a fun way to ace your test.

Driving Theory

Acing your theory test made easy & fun! A great alternative to paid apps that drill home topics with just multiple choice questions - our course is full of videos, GIFs and question variety to keep things interesting.

Find out more

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