Get Ready for September with Seneca πŸ“…Get Ready for September with Seneca πŸ“…
Richard Broad
Head of UK Education @ Seneca Learning
26 June 2020

Get Ready for September with Seneca πŸ“…

At Seneca, we're committed to making life as easy as possible to get ready for returning to school in September πŸ˜€

Planning for September has never been more important given school closures. Put yourself in the best position to fill students' knowledge gaps by hitting the ground running πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Here's what we can do to help you prepare for September:

1. School Analytics & SLT Support πŸ“ˆ

We're giving away free access to Seneca School Analytics & SLT Support for 200 lucky schools.

Seneca School Analytics & SLT Support will give school senior leadership teams access to tools to help them get their staff and students get the most our of Seneca.

Data displayed by department in your school

2. Free Summer Catch-Up with Smart Homework 🌞

We've partnered with Nesta's EdTech Innovation Fund to make your life a whole lot easier when September comes round πŸ˜‡

Identifying & addressing learning gaps will be a vitally important step when making up for lost time. Addressing learning gaps will be so simple with our new Smart Homework feature.

Use Smart Homework to automatically set assignments to address knowledge gaps

3. Transfer your classes ready for September ♻️

We're sure at least some of the classes you teach will change as your timetable changes in September.

Make that transition as easy as possible by requesting a class transfer so you can take over classes from other teachers or pass your classes over to your colleagues.

Transfer your class ready for September

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