GCSE Media Studies RevisionGCSE Media Studies Revision
Flavia Belham
Chief Scientist @ Seneca Learning
11 December 2018

GCSE Media Studies Revision

If you're asking how to revise GCSE Media Studies, from newspapers to social media, Seneca is the #1 revision tool for your GCSE Media Studies exam. Covering all exam board specific content in a fun, interactive way that got students 2x higher test scores in an RCT. Throw away those boring revision guides and use the best of data science and technology instead. The unfair advantage of close to 3 million students preparing for their GCSEs and A Levels.

GCSE Media Studies - Why 2,500,000 Students Prefer Seneca for Revision

  • Not just GCSE Media Studies, 250+ other free courses
  • Get instant feedback on your answers with our practice questions
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses for GCSE Media Studies
  • Content written by senior examiners and leading subject experts
  • GIFs, animations, memes, practice questions and answers

Topic covered?

  • Advertising & Marketing
  • Online & Social Media
  • Magazines
  • Film
  • Radio
  • TV
  • Newspapers
  • Music Video

Do you know how well you grasp all of the above topics? By using Seneca you're continuously testing yourself with interactive Q&As. That way you can narrow down on the media studies topics that need more attention. It helps you focus and revise more efficiently as the algorithm automatically repeats your weakest topics. The platform has been created by neuroscientists and engineers combining the best of science and technology in our smart learning algorithm. The perfect tool for your GCSE exam prep.

Which exam boards?

  • AQA

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