Free Literacy in Science CPD CourseFree Literacy in Science CPD Course
Richard Broad
Head of UK Education @ Seneca Learning
19 September 2019

Free Literacy in Science CPD Course

Seneca now offers seven free CPD courses to help teachers be better practitioners. Each course is written by experts in their fields and includes the latest in education theory and thinking. We offer CPD courses covering:

  1. Cognitive Science for Teachers Level 1
  2. Cognitive Science for Teachers Level 2
  3. Metacognition for Teachers
  4. Assessment for Teachers
  5. Literacy in Science
  6. Language Development for Teachers
  7. Dual Coding for Teachers

Complete our courses to become a Seneca Certified Educator.

Literacy in Science

There is a huge range of subject-specific vocabulary students need to know in the sciences. It is the unenviable job science teachers to help students through this potential minefield. This course will help science teachers learn about the most effective methods for teaching students that tissue is not just something you blow your nose on!

This course will go into detail about why literacy is so important in science education, how to break vocabulary up into tiers and how to teach the literacy of science in the most effective way. You will complete the course with a range of practical guidance covering the best ways to teach your students how to read, write and understand the language they need to be successful in science.

This course is ideal for science teachers at any level of experience who want to learn more about teaching literacy in science.

Thank you to Amanda Fleck for writing this course.

Check out our other CPD courses

Become a Seneca Certified Educator

Completion of each course means you become a Seneca Certified Educator in that subject. You will receive a certificate on completion of the course which you can use towards your CPD portfolio.

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