Free Edexcel History GCSE Revision - The American WestFree Edexcel History GCSE Revision - The American West
Richard Broad
Head of UK Education @ Seneca Learning
20 August 2016

Free Edexcel History GCSE Revision - The American West

💥 Want to know how to revise effectively?

🤠 How do I prepare for my GCSEs?

😁 How do I get a 9?

If you're trying to work out how to do well in your GCSEs, get revising with Seneca for FREE!

Why use Seneca?

  • Seneca breaks down learning into bitesize History chunks for The American West spec 😁
  • We analyse past papers and examiners' reports to make our education quizzes the best online revision site on the internet 🔥
  • Our free online revision courses have GIFs to tickle your revision world ⚡️

Join over 2 million GCSE students using the best free revision website for your History History GCSE revision for The American West spec 💪

Join 2 million+ students learning History GCSE

Seneca is the best online revision app. Research found that students get 2x better exam results with Seneca - and it's FREE 😲

Whether you want to revise the early settlers in the American West or the development of homesteads and ranching, Seneca can be your personal tutor for revising History.

What makes Seneca the best online revision app?

  • Practice exam quality content written by senior examiners 👩‍🏫
  • The best free revision app 📱
  • Helps you get a 9 👩‍🎓
  • Revise for FREE 💸

Tips for GCSEs

Looking for advice for GCSEs? How do I pass my GCSEs? How do I pass my exams?

Let Jono from Seneca help with some snap revision tips 🤓

Seneca's top 10 best revision tips to pass your GCSEs

1. How do I create a revision timetable? 📆

Making a revision timetable will keep your time organised. You can plan your revision based on the GCSE exam dates. If you’re looking on how to make a revision timetable then read our revision timetable tips and tricks.

2. Where should I revise? 📚

The best place to revise is different for everyone. Some people like to revise in cafes while others prefer quieter places. Think about what the best environment is to help you focus. The most important thing when you revise is not to get distracted too often.

3. When is the best time to revise? 🌅

The best time of day to revise is in the morning. After a good night’s sleep, your brain will be well-rested and ready to learn.

4. Should I write notes when revising? 📝

Making summary notes is a good way to revise. Focus on making summary notes for one of the subject or topics you find hard to memorise.

Repeating your learning is the key to success. Use your summary notes to test yourself or revise for free on Seneca.

5. Where can I revise online? 💻

Seneca is the fastest way to revise for your GCSEs. Seneca covers everything you need to know for your GCSEs. Seneca is the best free revision app for students studying for their GCSEs.

Research found that students get 2x better exam results with Seneca making it the best revision website around.

6. What should I do on revision breaks? 🏃‍♀️

Stop revising once you feel you’re brain getting distracted.

Take a break from your revision and do some physical exercises. It’s important to do activities that increase your heart rate so that your blood circulating faster.

7. Should I revise with practice past papers 📖

Using past papers to revise has many benefits. Go through past papers to get used to the structure of the papers. You can also use past papers to practice how to phrase your answers. You can use mark schemes to learn what the examiner is looking for 😉

8. How can I revise with friends? 👭

The best ways to test your understanding of a subject is to teach the subject to someone else. It's best to teach the subject to a classmate. The classmate can then explain a subject that you don’t fully understand yet. Teaching someone will lock in what you need to know better than reading from notes.

9. What should I eat and drink to revise? 🍌

Drink plenty of water to keep your brain working when you revise. Drinking water also helps to improve your concentration for revision.

You should aim to eat healthily to help with your revision. Revision food includes whole grains, nuts, berries, and even dark chocolate. Other revision food suggestions are oily fish, eggs, dark leafy greens, peanut butter, green tea, and fresh fruit.

10. How much sleep should you get when revising? 😴

Getting a good night sleep improves your ability to remember things. Make sure to at least rest for 8 hours the day before your exam. Plan your revision wisely and get enough sleep the day before.

When should I start revising for my GCSEs?

There’s no set date to start revising. Your teacher probably said that you should have started last week, if not three months ago (as shown in the below video).

It’s best to revise little and often throughout months leading up to your exams.

Start by looking at topics you haven't learned for a while. You'll find all the topics for all your courses on Seneca.

Don't know where to start with your GCSE revision? Go to Seneca and try revising for free!

Revision podcasts

Revise on the go with the Seneca's Revise podcast.

The 'Revise' podcast channels cover all the subjects you need!

Search for 'Revise' wherever you get your podcasts.

Available on all major podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Breaker and more.

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