Free Cognitive Science (Level 2) CPD CourseFree Cognitive Science (Level 2) CPD Course
Richard Broad
Head of UK Education @ Seneca Learning
19 September 2019

Free Cognitive Science (Level 2) CPD Course

Seneca now offers seven free CPD courses to help teachers be better practitioners. Each course is written by experts in their fields and includes the latest in education theory and thinking. We offer CPD courses covering:

  1. Cognitive Science for Teachers Level 1
  2. Cognitive Science for Teachers Level 2
  3. Metacognition for Teachers
  4. Assessment for Teachers
  5. Literacy in Science
  6. Language Development for Teachers
  7. Dual Coding for Teachers

Complete our courses to become a Seneca Certified Educator.

Cognitive Science for Teachers Level 2

Cognitive Science for Teachers Level 2 is Seneca's second cognitive science course. You will learn about the thinking and research of the latest thought leaders, including Daisy Christodoulou, Alex Quigley, David Didau and Mary Myatt. You will come away from the course with practical advice about how to have a more evidence-informed approach to teaching, including how you approach interleaving and curriculum design.

This course is designed as a follow on from Cognitive Science for Teachers Level 1. Cognitive Science for Teachers Level 2 is an essential course for teachers with 3+ years experience and any teacher with Teaching and Learning responsibilities.

Thank you to Dr Flavia Belham for writing this course.

Check out our other CPD courses

Become a Seneca Certified Educator

Completion of each course means you become a Seneca Certified Educator in that subject. You will receive a certificate on completion of the course which you can use towards your CPD portfolio.

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