Book a live webinar with a member of the Seneca teamBook a live webinar with a member of the Seneca team
Richard Broad
Head of UK Education @ Seneca Learning
12 September 2019

Book a live webinar with a member of the Seneca team

Do you want to help your colleagues make a start on Seneca? Are you trying to roll out Seneca across your school? Are you trying to share Seneca with another school? Sign up for a free webinar with a member of the Seneca team.

A member of the Seneca team will share some of the science behind Seneca and give a demo of how the teacher and student platforms work. There will also be time to take any questions you have about our platform.

Please note: These talks are designed to be presented to teachers of a department or school. These talks are not for individuals. Please email for individual queries.

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