A Level History Revision - The Tudors AQA 1485 - 1603A Level History Revision - The Tudors AQA 1485 - 1603
Flavia Belham
Chief Scientist @ Seneca Learning
18 November 2019

A Level History Revision - The Tudors AQA 1485 - 1603

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The Curriculum

History: AQA A Level The Tudors: England 1485 - 1603

1 The Weimar Republic 1918-1933

1.1 Establishment Of The Weimar Republic 1918-1924

1.1.1 Post WW1

1.1.2 Weimar Constitution

1.1.3 Peace Settlement

1.1.4 Economic Issues

1.1.5 Social Issues

1.1.6 Extremist Threats

1.1.7 Political Instability & The Invasion of the Ruhr

1.1.8 Weimar Government by 1924

1.2 The 'Golden Age' Of The Weimar Republic 1924-1928

1.2.1 Economic Developments

1.2.2 Industry & Agriculture

1.2.3 Social Developments

1.2.4 Political Parties

1.2.5 Political Stability

1.2.6 Germany's International Position

1.3 The Collapse of Democracy 1928-1933

1.3.1 The Impact Of The Depression

1.3.2 Politics After The Depression

1.3.3 The Appeal Of Extremism

1.3.4 'Backstairs Intrigue'

1.3.5 Political Developments

1.3.6 The State by March 1933

2 Nazi Germany 1933-1945

2.1 The Nazi Dictatorship 1933-1939

2.1.1 Hitler's Consolidation Of Power

2.1.2 The Terror State

2.1.3 Opposition

2.1.4 Economic Policies

2.1.5 Impact Of Economic Policies

2.1.6 Social Policies

2.1.7 Volksgemeinschaft

2.2 The Racial State 1933-1941

2.2.1 The Radicalisation Of The State

2.2.2 Anti-Semitism

2.2.3 Development Of Anti-Semitic Policies

2.2.4 Treatment of the Jews in the Early Years of War

2.3 The Impact Of War 1939-1945

2.3.1 Home Front

2.3.2 Impact On Society

2.3.3 War Economy

2.3.4 Policies Towards The Jews & Untermenschen

2.3.5 Opposition

2.3.6 Nazi State by 1945

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