A Level English Literature RevisionA Level English Literature Revision
Flavia Belham
Chief Scientist @ Seneca Learning
12 December 2018

A Level English Literature Revision

Revising for the Death of a Salesman or The Great Gatsby (Monsieur Gat as the French like to call him)? Prepare for your A Level English Literature exam now using the UK's greatest free revision platform. Instead of flipping through boring revision guides or reading your interactive textbook (or PDF...), you can now learn with instant feedback, all concepts broken down into bitesize chunks, GIFs, animations, and videos, all whilst tracking your weaknesses.

Interested? Seneca's content has been authored by senior examiners, so you can be sure that the quality is the very best. As Lady Macbeth once said, why not also try out their famous smart learning algorithm, to help you learn 2x faster? More about that later. First, let's look at why so many students use Seneca?

English Literature A Level - Death of a Salesman, Great Gatsby, Handmaid's Tale, Frankenstein, Othello, Dracula, A Streetcar Named Desire

  • Track your learning, knowledge & weaknesses
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Did I already say it's for FREE?
  • Exam board specific content written by senior examiners
  • Learn 2x faster using our smart algorithms
  • 250+ other free course

A Level English Literature Revision Courses

Are you getting bored of flipping through these densely-populated English Lit study guides or sick of skimming the book again and again pretending to read it? Escape the pathetic fallacy & use Seneca to boost your concentration and differentiate your vampires from your monsters (personification is on the menu).

Which exam boards?

  • AQA
  • Edexcel
  • OCR
  • Eduqas

Learn 2x faster?

The platform has been created by the best engineers and neuroscientists, combining the best of tech and science into one smart learning algorithm. Could it be your unfair advantage come exam day?

Our adaptive learning algorithm identifies the areas that you need to improve on. It will then automatically repeat these English sections in a variety of question formats and between predetermined time intervals, based on your exact knowledge, memory & performance. This triggers your brain the most effective and is based on neuroscience principles such as imagery and spacing.

So whether you're 6 months or 6 hours before your English exam. Going through the revision course will give you an edge over other students. What do you think? Ready to see your English knowledge score?

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